SiNi Account
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Buy Subscription


SiNi uses Braintree to process all e-commerce payments. This includes PayPal and credit card payments.

Please visit the Braintree website to learn more about their secure and trusted services.

Recurring payments are triggered by the license status located on the Active Licensespage.

Turn on/off recurring subscription
Turn on/off recurring subscription

If you disable recurring, the license will expire at the end of the contract period. Recurring is set to On by default. 

If payment fails…

If we are unable to take payment from your preferred method of payment, then the subscription will automatically expire. You will need to resubscribe using a different method or ensure there are adequate funds to complete the order.

If your credit card expires...

If your credit card expires during the contract period and you have auto-renew set to renew, then the transaction will fail. The subscription will automatically expire. You will need to resubscribe using a different method or ensure there are adequate funds to complete the order. Updating credit card details and adding an alternative card or the payment method. (Not currently available).

SiNi does not store or hold any customer credit card information.