MoJo (UI) - Add Widgets.
Open MoJo by accessing it from the top SiNi dropdown menu.

Use the dropdown menu to isolate specific plugin tools to select from.

Sets out MoJo Widgets in a horizontal or vertical format.
The screenshots below show the resulting horizontal and vertical layouts in MoJo.

Lists all available tools that can be added to MoJo.

Double-click to add to the Widget Builder on the right.
It's good practice to give each Widget group a title.
The Widget Builder is where you assemble the groups of tools to compile into a widget.
LMB drag to reorder tools. Right-click over the Widget to delete a tool in the Widget Builder.

Select a Tab to save the Widget into. See Select Organisation Tabsīģŋ for more info.
Click to save the Widget group into MoJo (UI) - Toolīģŋ .
Make sure you've selected the correct Organisation Tab to save into.