Illumi (UI) - Import

Tip - 3ds Max plugin help
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Select Load From HDRI LIbrary or Load Custom Single HDRI to load from file.

Click on the setting tab to open the dialogue box.
The UI displays all the directory paths to your HDRI libraries. To add a new folder simply click on Add Path and select how many subfolders you with Illumi to include. Select a listed Directory Name to rename the folder. Click Delete Path to remove the folder from Illumi.
When you have set the file path in IgNite (Springboard) your HDRI library files will be listed here. The HDRI Library Files dropdown lists all imagery and includes sub-folders.
Click Bulk HDRI Previews to generate an image previews of your new libraries.

A warning notice will appear. Depending on how many preview images Illumi needs to generate, the process could take a few minutes once you have set everything up and hit start.

The Bulk HDRI Preview UI appears and displays the first image in your folder. This allows you to set the exposure preview settings for all images before processing the entire folder. EXP - Adjust the exposure settings of the preview to display in Illumi. Temp Preview for EXP - Click this to generate the first image. To modify use the EXP setting. When you are happy with the image and wish to proceed with generating all the folder previews using the EXP settings. Overwrite - Check this to overwrite the displayed preview. Bulk HDRI Previews - Click this button to generate the previews.

After the thumbnails are generated you can add additional metadata to each HDRI to display in the list above. If your preview image is over or under exposed, you can adjust the exposure using the EXP setting.
HDR Image details
Double-click on HDRI names in the list and the Rename popup will appear. Fill in the details if available.
If selected in (01) above, open the file location for the HDRI file.
Illumi will auto-configure using the current renderer being used. It will automatically set up optimal lighting settings for V-Ray, Corona, and soon Arnold and Redshift.

- Include Sun - creates a new sun aligned to the HDRI.
- Show HDRI in Viewport - adds to viewport background.
- Show Dome Environment - adds to viewport background.
- īģŋPick Physical Camera - see below for more information.
- Merge in Recommended Camera - imports a new camera based on your viewport location.
- Import HDRI - click to build the light right and import the HDRI file.

Recommended tip!
If you already have cameras in your scene, uncheck the Merge in Recommended Camera, and instead select an existing camera in your scene by clicking Pick Physical Camera.