Scribe (UI)
Tip - 3ds Max plugin help
Clicking on the question mark in the header will open this help document page.
- Centre Pivot - centres the pivot point on each spline.
- Keep Wirecolour - keeps the spline wire colour.
- Change Name - add a name for the splines if you wish to change their name.
- Explode to Segments - detaches the selected splines to segments.
- Explode to Shape - detaches the selected splines to shapes.
- Weld Attached - click to weld the objects.
- Threshold - adjust the angle threshold.
- Change Name - add a name for the splines if you wish to change their name.
- Attach Splines - click to attach all selected splines.
- Attach By Distance - click to attach the selected overlapping splines by distance.
- Attach By Colour - click to attach by wire colour.
- Attach By Layer - click to attach by layer.
Weld Knots Live weld by distance applied to multiple spline selections.
- Use Selected Splines - select the splines.
- Threshold - adjust the angle threshold.
Spline Plots Generates clean shapes from messy 2D splines, including overlapping and crossings.
- Convert To Mesh - if ticked the splines will be converted to edit mesh.
- Change name - add a name for the splines if you wish to change their name.
- Make Spline Plots - click to generate new splines or mesh.
Threads Multi-threading settings for advanced C++ debugging. Advanced Users and Coders only.
Display Knots Toggle the display of spline vertices.
- Show Spline Knots - display all spline knots in the viewport.
- Hide Spline Knots - hide all spline knots in the viewport.
Wireframe Colour Works with the selection of spline diagnostic results below.
- Red = Errors. There are spline issues.
- Yellow = Excluded. Not included.
- Green = Good. There are no issues.
Spline Diagnostics Inspects multiple splines and returns results displayed as colours, red, yellow, green.
- Red = Errors. There are spline issues.
- Yellow = Excluded. Not included.
- Green = Good. There are no issues.
- Find Reversed - finds reversed splines in the selection.
- Find Open Spline - finds open splines in the selection.
- Find Overlapping - finds all overlapping splines in the selection.
- Find CAD Blocks - finds all CAD blocks in the selection.
Following the results of the Spline Diagnostics The following tools are designed to fix issues and clean up the scene, with selected splines.
- Redraw Reversed - rebuilds the selected splines with the right orientation.
- Close Open Splines - fixes selected open splines.
- Delete Overlapping - with the splines selected, this deletes them.
- Detach Overlapping - with the splines selected, this detaches them and raises them to preview before deleting.
- Flatten Splines - select splines and uniformly flatten them.
- Delete CAD Blocks - removes all CAD blocks from the selection.
- Redraw New Spline - recreates selected splines from scratch.
- Conform To Surface - drops the selected splines to the surface below.
Sub-divides all curve segments to corner vertices by the entered distance. Works with multi-selected splines.
- Use Selected Splines - select the splines.
- Knot Distance - add the distance between knots.
- Commit Change - click to apply.
Sub-divide Splines
Adds additional vertices evenly spaced, set by the entered Knot Distance. Works with multi-selected splices.
- Use Selected Splines - click to add your selection.
- Knot Distance - set the spacing for new knots.
- Commit Subdivided - click to apply.
Optimise Splines Removes vertices set by the entered Angle Threshold number. Works with multi-selected splines.
- Use Selected Splines - click to add your selection.
- Angle Threshold - set the threshold.
- Commit Optimise - click to apply.
Spline Outline Array Generates copies and outlines of multiple splines. The tool auto-optimises splines based on an offset distance and number of clones and position.
- Make Dotted Lines - tick to create dotted lines.
- Set length and scale - length of the dots (road markings for example).
- Percentage of Spline - tick to create offsets.
- Set start and end offsets - Add the start and offset distance.
- Corner Segments - tick to create corners.
- Set corner length - Distance of corner segments.
- Corner Infill - Add infill splines to dotted lines.
- Try and repair intersections - Mathematically tries to calculate and remake new splines removing the overlaps. See below for more information.
Tip - Convert all knots to corner for auto repair spline offsets
The image below shows the spline offsets using the repair intersections function turned on. The left image uses bezier knots and you can see the repair tool can't calculate the overlapping. The right image uses corner knots and is able to calculate the overlapping and new shape.
Progress Status Returns results and timing of current tasks.