Unite (UI) - Relink

Tip - 3ds Max plugin help
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Select the option you require.
By default, Unite is set to relink from the current file. It will scan the scene upon opening and return results in the UI. The second option is to use Unite to relink 3ds Max scenes without needing to open them directly. Select the 3ds Max scene from the file path.
Use SiNiScript to write your own relinking MAXScript!
A handy tip for studios with large project databases is to write your own MAXScript tool to automatically relink and repath files from your server, opening them remotely. This uses the Unite functions written into your MAXScript. For more information check out the SiNiScript plugin.
Displays all files to be used.
īģŋList all Missing File Paths - when checked it displays exact paths. īģŋ
- Try and Select Objects - attempts to find 3D objects with missing attributes.
- Delete Selected Paths/Proxy Objects - select the file and delete as required.
- Strip Selected Paths - select file and strip paths as required.
Set route folder to search for missing files.
Click on the button to relink files.